Bruce Staude had worked for Vocational Services Inc. (VSI)–Sheltered Workshop for over 40 years, but he earned a sub-minimum wage. Bruce was obviously a dedicated employee, but he decided it was time for a change. Retirement was not an option.
A resident of Life Unlimited, Bruce lives in the North Kansas City community with his wife Kathy of 22 years. He independently navigates in his community for shopping, entertainment and volunteering. After seeing his wife Kathy obtain competitive employment, he wanted to do the same.
Life Unlimited Employment Services worked with Bruce in prevocational classes, creating career goals, job development and placement through a combination of Department of Mental Health and Vocational Rehabilitation funding. DMH funding provided prevocational classes for professional growth. Bruce learned to have a positive work attitude, practice good customer service, and to always work hard.
Bruce is going on ten months of being a shining employee for a produce production company in Kansas City, Kansas. His great attitude, attendance, and team player mentality has opened the door for two other clients of Life Unlimited, Inc. – Employment Services to work in production there a swell. Bruce has told us many times that he loves his job, and that truly makes our work all worth it.
Bruce and his wife Kathy both work part time and are fortunate to work the same days. On their off days, they attend literacy classes to improve their reading skills. The couple has shared many times that they are happy in the competitive jobs — and the money they are earning!